
Week 2 – STUDIOS

What is a studio?

A studio is where something is created within that room or confined space. It is a place for an artist to work, create and develop ideas. Not only artists have studios however a studio can be used for acting, making music, radio or television broadcasting. A studio can also be their home, due to the many hours artists spend in the studios creating work. Nowadays a studio is not just about having a space to work, it is now more about the community and feeling apart of something and discussing their artwork with one another.

Christopher Wool

Christopher Wool is a post conceptual artist. Wool is best known for his black and white abstract paintings, he pulls his inspiration and also materials directly from the environment. He is interested in the visual representation of language and colour through abstraction. His loose style of painting allows him to make mistakes, however the artist embraces these imperfections within his artwork it makes each one of his paintings individual and unique. He has a passion for paint and uses techniques such as spray paint, silkscreen and hand painting. He is also known for his large word paintings, which often demand reading aloud to make sense, as Wool decides to manipulate the words and erase certain lettering, almost as if he wants to create a puzzle for the viewers.

Christopher Wool’s studio space is located in New York, the words front and rear are stenciled in block capital letters on the buildings front where his studio is in, which may have been graffitied on the building by Christopher Wool. The studio located in New York was a very tough neighborhood, Wool recalls that there would be many homeless people who would camp on the street opposite to his studio.

He also owns another studio/house in west Texas desert town of Marfa that Wool and his wife built, which they both share together. The studio/house looks out onto the vast desert and the clear open skies, he uses some of the deserts materials to create sculptures which was one of his new interests in art. Marfa is somewhere Wool goes to for peace and quiet but often goes back to New York because he believes that the city has become a part of his work.

Looking at some images of Christopher Wool’s studio space, it looks rather tidy and well maintained, as you can see in this image there is nothing on the floor and there is hardly any mess, for an artist it is a very well kept space. Also as you can see in one of the other images there is a punching bag in his studio space, and if you look closer I believe there are some more gym equipment in the space. The reason Christopher Wool has a punching bag in his studio space is to relive stress.

In his studio space in Marfa, he uses the space outside to create and store his sculptures, he also uses rubbish and items found in the desert to help him create these sculptures.