

For the heads I made out of potters plaster I firstly started off with constructing a box made of wood. I had to measure my head to get the right sizes and dimensions, once I had made the box in the wood workshop I then began molding the clay in the box. I began slapping the clay in the box trying to get as much as a I could in there.

Here is my first attempt of creating a head with plaster in the box that I had made. I didn’t really like the outcome as its not what I had thought it would look like, however trying to create a head in a box with clay was quite a challenge as I had to mold the head upside down. I wanted to create something abstract so instead of using all of the tools I decided to use mainly my hands and fingers to mold the clay, I believe it was effective and abstract as it doesn’t look like a normal head it looks kind of scary looking, one thing that I did not like about this head is the face and how sharp and pointy some of the edges are this was due to me using my fingers and a wooden stick. However even though I did not like the outcome once I put the plaster head back into the box it became more interesting almost as if the box was the house for the head.

Here is my second attempt of using the box to create a head out of plaster. I was pleased with the outcome of this head compared to the first one this is because instead of using my fingers I decided to use my knuckles leaving the edges more round instead of sharp and pointy. I also decided to put lumps of clay in the mold to make the head a different shape as you can see there are some parts of the head that looks like there is a dent in it, I did this because I didn’t want the head to be just one big circular shape. I also didn’t carve a face into this head this was because I thought that using my knuckles would kind of create a face in its own way, and I believe it did, as you can see in the first picture out of these four images it looks like a side profile of some ones head.