
Edited Photographs


Macro Lens – More Photographs

After taking the first set of images using my macro lens I decided to go back out and take some more photographs, as I thought I could get better images then some of the originals I had already taken, as some of them were blurry or didn’t have as much definition as it was hard for my camera to focus while using the lens. So here are some more images of graffiti close up on walls. When it came to photographing these images I focused on different textures and surfaces that graffiti had been drawn onto, I also focused on cracks in the walls, as this is where I found spider webs, leaves and many things that had been spray painted over leaving drops of paint on them.


Macro Lens

After taking images of graffiti from a far, I then had a few ideas to use different lenses to photograph the textures of spray paint on the walls also to use the lenses to show things that may not be visible to the human eye. The lenses I used are fish eye lens, 0.67X wide lens and also macro. The main lens I used was the macro lens as it showed a lot of detail and texture and made the graffiti I was photographing look really interesting, also with the macro lens you get to see all the individual marks, it also brings out a lot of definition that’s not visible compared to a massive piece of graffiti that’s been painted on a wall.


Graffiti Photography

One of the topics I have decided to do for lens is to photograph graffiti. The reason for this is because its something that has always caught my eye, and I believe it can make a dull street become alive with its vibrant colour, it can also make it look more inviting and interesting. Graffiti can range from written words to elaborate wall paintings so I decided to photograph a range of both.


Microscope Images

Here are some images I have taken through a microscope, underneath the microscope are different types of cells on glass that are too small for the human eye to see. After taking these images I realised that the vibrant colours and different patterns look very similar to graffiti, so this is where all my ideas sprung from, which then led me to using a macro lens to get up close and photograph graffiti that had been spray painted onto walls allowing me to see the cracks of paint and see things that are not visible to the human eye.

Here is the animation I made with the images I had taken through a microscope. Before making this animation I tried to make it with the regular sized images however it didn’t work as well as the circles were not centered, so I decided to to crop the images so that the circles would be in line with each other so that the animation would flow better.


Lino Print

These images below show the process of my Lino printing.

Here is the outcome of my first print, I need to print it again as some of the ink did not transfer properly onto the paper.