Contextual Research

Studio Practice

I believe my work has developed massively from the first term up until now. I have always been interested in going against society’s norm of the definition of beautiful and finding ways of distorting the human body, making it appear gruesome and ugly. When it comes to art I have always been drawn to printmaking and this is something I have really focused on throughout the year, learning new techniques and developing my skills further within print. At the beginning of first term I decided to use my body as a material to print with, finding different mays I could create art work with my body.

I experimented with a variety of materials such as purple shampoo, printing ink, paint and I also used toilet paper. My work here demonstrates a variety of ways I experimented with to use my body as a material such as covering myself in paint and printing my body onto paper, to rolling ink out on the floor to create a monoprint to capture my movement while I walked to different locations. My work consisted of exploring many printing techniques and a lot of my work consisted of none stop experimenting.. Not only did I want to explore different ways that I could use my body as a material however I also wanted to interact with the art so it became more personal, so by using my self to paint with instead of someone else this instantly became personal to me as they are my prints of my body.

I decided to carry the theme on into the second term as using the human body is something I am always passionate about as well as printmaking. So, I continued experimenting finding different ways to print and create artwork using different materials such as aluminum, fabrics and layering up acrylic sheets. I also decided to broaden my theme, instead of just focusing on using my body as material, I started to look at how us humans leave marks within the earth, marks that may not be visible to the human eye. I decided to develop those thermal prints I did in the first term and create a thermal image I could screen print using the CMYK format.

The methodology behind my work was to produce prints by physically using myself as a material interacting with the art, not using the typical printing methods to do so, another aspect of it was that I have always found the human body engaging and interesting, so I wanted to add that to the theme. I wanted challenge myself and continue pushing myself and carry on experimenting. I also went into researching about thermal and about the thermal heat we give off as its something you cant see to the physical eye however when you see thermal footage, the colours are bold and vibrant. After screen printing my thermal image, I decided to separate the colours to just yellow, cyan and magenta and layer them all on top of one another to portray the bright vibrant colours within a thermal camera.