Professional Research

Research Project

I have never fully known what I want to do in the future however I know that I have always desired doing something art based in the future, looking back, I have always followed what I had a passion for which was art. Choosing art at GCSE and then pursuing that even further by completing an Art and Design diploma at college to then achieving one of my biggest goals by getting into University. Following my passion for art at such a young age has allowed me to achieve these goals, and has also allowed me to learn new techniques within art which I really enjoy.

Here is a list of career and professional opportunities that I would be interested in doing in my future pathway:

  • Being a full time Artist and curator
  • Fashion Illustrator/Designer
  • Art Teacher (College or University)
  • Interior Designer
  • Tattooing
  • A courtroom sketch artist
  • Art Therapist
Source found from: 150+ Art Careers – The Ultimate List (