Professional Research

DMU Design Wing Atrium Exhibition

I also displayed some work in another exhibition which took place in the DMU design wing atrium, not only did I exhibit some work there however I also became one of the committee members. It was run by me and a group of second year fine art students. There was a meeting held by Gino and a group of students, this meeting explained into depth how long we had the space for, when the art work needed to be up for and we also spoke about all the different roles and responsibilities within the exhibition. Once all the roles had been assigned the first step was to set up a group chat with everyone in, so we all had easy access communicating with one another. After the chat had been made the next step was to get a poster and a submission form sorted as we only had a week before the artwork had to be installed.

The reason why the poster needed to be one of the first things to get sorted was because we wanted to advertise to all the students that there would be an exhibition taking place and to also give everyone the opportunity to submit any work. We then sent around a submission form to all the students, we had to do this quickly as we had very little time to get the art work up so we needed to see who was submitting what and try and figure out where everything would go. Within the submission form, it required measurements of everyone’s work, an image of what they were submitting and also a description on how they wanted it to be installed (bulldog clips, nails, on a plinth etc.)

Once the deadline had passed for the submission form we then began planning out where everything would go which was one of my roles for the committee, another role of mine was to help install the work. When planning out where everything would go there were many problems that needed to be solved, for example where some of the sculptures would go as we didn’t want any ones art work to be blocked or obstructed. Also making sure everyone’s work was visible and noticeable on the wall for the audience to see. We also needed to have equal spaces between each art work so it looks professional, also making sure that there was enough room for the audience to walk around and view the art work as we had plinths so we didn’t want anyone knocking them over or struggling to get around. After dealing with all the risk assessments we began installing the art work.

When installing everyone’s art work we needed to make sure everything was displayed correctly also making sure everything was secure on the wall, floor, plinth and so on. We also needed to make sure we had all the materials and equipment to assemble the exhibition, so we made sure everyone brought their own nails, bulldog clips and equipment and began putting the work up.