
HEADS – Cotton Twine

To make these cotton twine heads I started off with a plastic bag round my head, and getting someone to then apply masking tape over the plastic bag so then this would give me a head shaped ball. After creating the head form I then decided mix up flour and water creating a sticky glue that would hold all this twine together.

There was a few issues with using the flour and water, for example the glue didn’t stick the twine all together straight away so some of the twine would slip off and move position. To start off the process of wrapping the twine around I had to get a hot glue gun to stick the twine onto the head instead of using the glue mixture I had made, this was because the mixture was not strong or thick enough. After using the hot glue gun to stick the end bit of twine down I then began the process of wrapping it round the head multiple times. I had to put the twine in the bowl of glue I had made before wrapping it around the head so that bits of the twine would stick together.

After wrapping the twine around the head I then used my hands to apply the glue, I did this so that the glue would get into all the sections, making sure that it would all stick together and not fall apart after taking the tape out. Another issue I had was when I applied the glue to the head, the masking tape got rather soggy and wet which made the head change shape and it started to collapse because the glue was so heavy. However I didn’t mind as I wanted all three heads to look completely different and sort of distorted.

Final Outcome

Once the all three heads were dry I then had to remove the tape from inside which was kind of tricky as I didn’t want to ruin the sculpture or pick off any of the hard glue which was keeping the twine stuck together. I then decided to attach the three heads with a bit of string onto a stick to make it look like they were floating. The reason why I didn’t make the string that attached the heads to the stick the same length was because I thought they looked more effective and intriguing when they hung at different lengths.