

without sound

Here is a still video I have created with images I have taken through a microscope, I then decided to also add in the images I had developed as well.

with sound

After creating my video I then decided to add some sound, which I found difficult as I was not sure which sound would fit in well with the animation. I thought looking for sounds that linked in with a science lab would work well as the images I took are of human cells through a microscope.

However in the end I decided to go with a camera sound effect as I used a camera to take the photographs, I thought this linked in well as you can only see what I have photographed, however you cannot see what I used to photograph it with so I thought I would include that sound to go beyond what you see which is normally always the end result the photograph.

Here is another stills animation I have made of myself walking.


Photography Development

Here is some of my photography that I have developed using the app Procreate.


Edited Photographs


Macro Lens – More Photographs

After taking the first set of images using my macro lens I decided to go back out and take some more photographs, as I thought I could get better images then some of the originals I had already taken, as some of them were blurry or didn’t have as much definition as it was hard for my camera to focus while using the lens. So here are some more images of graffiti close up on walls. When it came to photographing these images I focused on different textures and surfaces that graffiti had been drawn onto, I also focused on cracks in the walls, as this is where I found spider webs, leaves and many things that had been spray painted over leaving drops of paint on them.


Macro Lens

After taking images of graffiti from a far, I then had a few ideas to use different lenses to photograph the textures of spray paint on the walls also to use the lenses to show things that may not be visible to the human eye. The lenses I used are fish eye lens, 0.67X wide lens and also macro. The main lens I used was the macro lens as it showed a lot of detail and texture and made the graffiti I was photographing look really interesting, also with the macro lens you get to see all the individual marks, it also brings out a lot of definition that’s not visible compared to a massive piece of graffiti that’s been painted on a wall.


Graffiti Photography

One of the topics I have decided to do for lens is to photograph graffiti. The reason for this is because its something that has always caught my eye, and I believe it can make a dull street become alive with its vibrant colour, it can also make it look more inviting and interesting. Graffiti can range from written words to elaborate wall paintings so I decided to photograph a range of both.


Microscope Images

Here are some images I have taken through a microscope, underneath the microscope are different types of cells on glass that are too small for the human eye to see. After taking these images I realised that the vibrant colours and different patterns look very similar to graffiti, so this is where all my ideas sprung from, which then led me to using a macro lens to get up close and photograph graffiti that had been spray painted onto walls allowing me to see the cracks of paint and see things that are not visible to the human eye.

Here is the animation I made with the images I had taken through a microscope. Before making this animation I tried to make it with the regular sized images however it didn’t work as well as the circles were not centered, so I decided to to crop the images so that the circles would be in line with each other so that the animation would flow better.


Documentary – VILE BODIES

Jouko Lehtola

Jouko Lehtola was born in Finland, he was a Finnish photography artist, who had various themes within his work. Lehtola’s photography define Finnish urban youth culture of the 1990’s. He also raised awareness and issues of domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse and social taboos towards sexual deviations. His work was deep and thoughtful he was photographing not only people however details of crime scenes and overdose, people holding guns and knifes. Not only did he photograph the paraphernalia of drugs, but also domestic abuse, assaults and other violent crimes against both women and men.

In the 1990’s it was a period in life where the youth didn’t really think about their future, they drank to get drunk, sex was sport and a good fight was a measure for the evening spent. The youth had reckless energy and this is what Lehtola wanted to capture he wanted to capture the moment when the youth left the ‘magic circle’ which was home and became independent, making good and bad choices of their own.

He used many cameras to take his photographs with however the Canon EOS was his favourite. He’s known for his depiction of Finnish youth and the grunge period. Lehtola did attend festivals to capture the youth culture, and he was always the first one to arrive and the last one to leave, he was everywhere.

Sally Mann

Sally Mann is an American photographer best known for her black and white portraits of her family also known for her landscape images. Since the 1970’s, she produced a series of photographic portraits, landscapes, and still life’s and is best known for her intimate portraits of her family. One of her most famous series of images is called ‘Immediate Family’ 1984-1994 which depicts her three children, who were all under the age of ten, the series of images explore the time between childhood and adolescence, it also explores many childhood themes such as napping, dressing up, playing games and many more however she also explores some darker themes within her photography such as insecurity, loneliness, injury, sexuality and death.

The series of photos from ‘Immediate Family’ caused a lot of controversy, many people accused Mann of child pornography this was because in some of Manns images the children often appeared naked and some people found this disturbing. Many people questioned whether Mann had exploited her children. Even though some people may not agree with how Mann photographs her children however she says that it is natural and ordinary for a mother to see her children in the nude, having cared for them and helped them grow.

In the late 1990s, Mann turned her attention to landscape photography.


John Coplans

Coplans was a British artist, he was an art writer, a curator, a photographer and also a museum director. He emigrated to the United States in 1960 and held many exhibitions in Europe and North America.

Coplans is well known for his series of black and white self portraits which portray his own ageing naked body, he depicts segments of his naked body to photograph however he never includes his face within these photographs, Coplans images are not focused on a specific man nor identity. Even though he is an old man with an ageing body with wrinkles he still manages to create beautiful images. When Coplans poses for these images he becomes immersed in the past and believes he is somewhere else, another person, or a women in another life, he feels very youthful when posing.

The technique he uses for making these photographs involves a polaroid positive/negative 4×5 film, so he could automatically see the results of his poses and then make immediate adjustments. He then later on decided to us a video camera connected to a television monitor to see the back of the 4×5 camera for an even more immediate mirror effect. Using the video camera depended a lot of accuracy and control.

In Coplans photography he portrays his images to be very beautiful and interesting and he says he feels alive when taking the series of images. Being a seventy year old man naked in these images this is something many people have not seen before, and it is a neglected subject matter. So he has taken images of his own body to show his audience that even though he is seventy years old and has wrinkles that he can still make it interesting and still show beauty within the images.

When it comes to art we mainly see women that tend to be naked and more on the slimmer side, this also happened within art history. So seeing images of a naked man is very different and can be strange to some people, however I find them very powerful and beautiful. He depicts how life is reflected in the body with the marks, the scars bruising and many more.

When displaying his work in galleries he loved to listen to what people had to say about his work as no one knew that the body in the photographs were him.