
Heart Development

I decided to develop the heart a bit further and experiment with some new ideas I had. I decided to use different colour inks such as blue and red also using black ink to outline the heart. While doing this monoprint I decided to do it in sections, so I did all the blue parts first and so on, I did add some black to my cyan blue as it was to bright however I think I added a bit too much black. While doing each section I decided to do a continuous line where my pencil doesn’t leave the page.

After completing each section of colour for the monoprint I decided to photograph the acrylic sheet as it left the marks/drawing I had done which I always find interesting to look at. After taking the photographs of the individual sheets I then had an idea to try and overlay, edit and develop them a bit further so that they would fit together.

Here are the results I got after lining the images all together.

After looking at my first attempt of the heart I realised a few things had gone wrong such as adding to much black to the blue and red, so I decided to do it again but this time I did not add any black to the blue and red. I prefer this one to the first one I did as the colours are a lot brighter allowing them to stand out from the black I used to outline the heart.



After printing on plain white cartridge paper I decided to experiment and use black paper instead, so here is a print I have done of a heart using red printing ink on black paper.

After printing I then decided to use the app Procreate to try and make the heart appear brighter and vibrant, to give it a more realistic eerie look. I always wanted to look like there was blood on the page almost making it look like the heart had bled out. So here are some of the developments I have done.



Here is another print I have done, where I rolled the ink out onto the acrylic plastic and put a piece of paper down, I then started drawing on top of the paper, so the ink would transfer onto it.

After drawing on top of the ink, I removed my piece of paper and it had left an outline of my drawing in the ink, so I photographed it as I liked the effect it gave where you could almost see through it.


Mark Making – Drawing

Here are some mark makings I have done of the interior using graphite.

After doing the interior I then decided to do some mark making of the exterior.

I then decided to try and use a different material instead of graphite I decided to try and create some marks with some black charcoal.


Mark Making Development


Photography Development

Here is some of my photography that I have developed using the app Procreate.


Edited Photographs


Macro Lens – More Photographs

After taking the first set of images using my macro lens I decided to go back out and take some more photographs, as I thought I could get better images then some of the originals I had already taken, as some of them were blurry or didn’t have as much definition as it was hard for my camera to focus while using the lens. So here are some more images of graffiti close up on walls. When it came to photographing these images I focused on different textures and surfaces that graffiti had been drawn onto, I also focused on cracks in the walls, as this is where I found spider webs, leaves and many things that had been spray painted over leaving drops of paint on them.


Macro Lens

After taking images of graffiti from a far, I then had a few ideas to use different lenses to photograph the textures of spray paint on the walls also to use the lenses to show things that may not be visible to the human eye. The lenses I used are fish eye lens, 0.67X wide lens and also macro. The main lens I used was the macro lens as it showed a lot of detail and texture and made the graffiti I was photographing look really interesting, also with the macro lens you get to see all the individual marks, it also brings out a lot of definition that’s not visible compared to a massive piece of graffiti that’s been painted on a wall.


Graffiti Photography

One of the topics I have decided to do for lens is to photograph graffiti. The reason for this is because its something that has always caught my eye, and I believe it can make a dull street become alive with its vibrant colour, it can also make it look more inviting and interesting. Graffiti can range from written words to elaborate wall paintings so I decided to photograph a range of both.